Battle Pass Season 1: Dark Hold

Dark Hold is Marvel Rival's Battle Pass that is released with Season 1: Eternal Night Falls. Here's everything you have to know about the Battle Pass and its rewards!

Battle Pass Period

  • Start: January 10, 2024 at 00:00 UTC
  • End: April 11, 2025 at 08:00 UTC


  • The BattlePass offers a wealth of valuable rewards. Earn Chrono Tokens by completing tasks or participating in certain events to redeem these rewards. Alternatively, Chrono Tokens can also be purchased with Lattice.
  • Each page of the BattlePass must be unlocked before you can redeem its rewards. Accumulate Chrono Tokens throughout the season to sequentially unlock each page. Spending Chrono Tokens does not affect your accumulated total.
  • Once a page is unlocked, you can spend Chrono tokens to redeem its rewards. Some rewards may require you to redeem all other wards of he page first.
  • Purchasing the Luxury BattlePass grants access to all rewards. If you do not purchase the Luxury BattlePass, you can still redeem some rewards.
  • Players can also purchase the Luxury BattlePass to receive an additional 2800 Chrono Tokens and a 20% increase in Chrono Tokens earned for the rest of the current season.
  • Automatic Reward Redemption: At the end of the season, for players who have purchased the Luxury BattlePass, the system will automatically redeem rewards in order until there are insufficient Chrono Tokens or all rewards have been redeemed. The rewards will be sent via the season settlement notification.
  • At the end of each season, if there are remaining Chrono Tokens after automatic reward redemption, a portion will be carried over to the next season according to the settlement rules. The number of Chrono Tokens carried over cannot exceed the current season's Redemption Account balance.
  • [Redemption Account] Includes the retained Chrono Tokens from the previous season and any Chrono Tokens exchanged through Lattice in the current season. This information is displayed below the Chrono Tokens currency tips.

Page 1

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Purchase Luxury BattlePassYes
Mister Fantastic Nameplate200 Chrono TokensFree
All-Butcher Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
Heed My Call Emote200 Chrono TokensFree
End of Everything MVP200 Chrono TokensYes
All-Butcher Nameplate200 Chrono TokensYes
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400 Chrono TokensYes

Page 2

Obtain 1200 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

Invisible Woman Nameplate200 Chrono TokensFree
Rocket Raccoon Emblem200 Chrono TokensFree
Bounty Hunter Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
Wanted Raccoon MVP200 Chrono TokensYes
Bounty Hunter Nameplate200 Chrono TokensYes
100 Lattice200 Chrono TokensYes
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400 Chrono TokensYes

Page 3

Obtain 2400 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

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400 Chrono TokensFree
Moon Knight Emblem Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
Loki Emblem Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
Peni Parker Emblem Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
100 Units200 Chrono TokensYes
Human Torch Nameplate200 Chrono TokensFree
100 Lattice200 Chrono TokensYes

Page 4

Obtain 3600 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

Scarlet Witch Emblem Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
King Magnus Nameplate200 Chrono TokensFree
Magneto Emblem Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
For All Mutants MVP200 Chrono TokensYes
Past No More Emote200 Chrono TokensYes
King Magnus Spray200 Chrono TokensYes
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400 Chrono TokensYes

Page 5

Obtain 4800 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

100 Lattice200 Chrono TokensFree
Darkhold Collectable200 Chrono TokensFree
100 Units200 Chrono TokensFree
Namor Emblem200 Chrono TokensFree
The Thing Nameplate200 Chrono TokensFree
100 Units200 Chrono TokensYes
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400 Chrono TokensYes

Eternal Night Falls Gallery Card

Obtain 6000 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

Page 7

Obtain 7200 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

100 Units200 Chrono TokensFree
Iron Man Emblem Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
Blood Edge Armor Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
Subway Rat Blaster Emote200 Chrono TokensYes
Cleansing Edge MVP200 Chrono TokensYes
Blood Edge Armor Nameplate200 Chrono TokensYes
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400 Chrono TokensYes

Page 8

Obtain 8400 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

Innocence Reborn Emote200 Chrono TokensFree
Blood Soul Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
Adam Warlock Emblem Spray200 Chrono TokensFree
100 Lattice200 Chrono TokensYes
Blood Soul Nameplate200 Chrono TokensYes
Cut Divine Ties MVP200 Chrono TokensYes
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400 Chrono TokensYes

Page 9

Obtain 9600 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

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400 Chrono TokensFree
Flamenco Emote200 Chrono TokensFree
100 Units200 Chrono TokensFree
Emporium Matron Spray200 Chrono TokensYes
Emporium Matron Nameplate200 Chrono TokensYes
Making An Entrance MVP200 Chrono TokensYes
100 Lattice200 Chrono TokensYes

Page 10

Obtain 10800 Chrono Tokens to unlock this page

100 Lattice200 Chrono TokensFree
100 Units200 Chrono TokensFree
Hone Claws Emote200 Chrono TokensFree
Blood Berserker Spray200 Chrono TokensYes
Blood Berserker Nameplate200 Chrono TokensYes
Blood Barrage MVP200 Chrono TokensYes
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400 Chrono TokensYes

At Your Service Gallery Card

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