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Cloak and Dagger are one of the best Strategists in the game on a competitive level. They offer a great way to be a healer as Dagger, but also offer higher DPS while using Cloak. Understanding the balance of using both sides of this character every match is pivotal to your success. In this guide, we will start with an overview of their abilities for new players. If you already know the basics of the character, skip down to the next section where we will highlight some tips and tricks you can use to improve your effectiveness. Finally, we will give some guidance on if Cloak and Dagger are the right character for you.
My Credentials

I am a Grand Master player who primarily plays Invisible Woman as a main. I also main Peni Parker for a Vanguard and Punisher for a Duelist. I also study top level streamers, tournaments, and data published by first and third party sources to help deliver the most accurate information I can.
Basic Ability Guide (For Beginners)
You can find a bulleted list of character's abilities in game under their character tab. This portion of the guide will cover the same info, as well as some extra information and tips that the game doesn't clearly outline. If you already have a basic grasp of the character, skip to the next section for more advanced tips.
Dagger is your healer side of the duo. You primarily heal by throwing your lifeforce dagger, which is your basic attack. Hitting enemies will damage them, but hitting teammates will heal them. If your daggers don't directly hit, but fly next teammates, it also has a small aura of healing. It also can bounce off walls, and it hones in on teammates for accuracy. This can let you be less focused on accuracy, as well as bounce shots around corners or into tricky corridors.
For extra healing options, you have 2 abilities: Veil of Lightforce and Dagger Storm. The veil is essentially a wall of healing you push in front of you. Any teammates in its path will heals for 45 hp, and gives them a 15% bonus to any further healing they recieve for a brief period of time. Dagger Storm allows you to deploy a healing bubbles, which continously heals teammates inside the bubble for 55 hp per second, with a total 6 se and duration.
That is the entirety of Dagger's abilities, but she does have the option to swap to Cloak with the Shadow's Embrace ability. It allows you to swap between characters and can use it anytime you want with no cooldown. This will let you capitalize on dps moments, but return to healing when needed.
For Cloak, he has very different abilities from Dagger, but one is a similar style. His veil (called terror cape) is a wall you push out, but it doesn't heal teammates and doesn't do damage to opponents either. Instead, it temporarily blinds opponents and increases the damage they recieve for a short time. Basically, the opposite of Dagger.
His other ability is called Dark Teleportation, and it is the most intricate ability the duo has. On the surface, it simply turns you invisible and let's you fly for a couple of seconds. In actuality, it makes you and any teammates inside the radius turn invisible AND become invulnerable. A 2 second window of no damage sounds small, but you can use this to completely negate ultimates. If you see a Jeff begin to circle with his ultimate, Cloak's ability saves every teammate in the radius. It also protects from damaging ultimates like Iron Man, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, or Venom. My mastering when to activate this ability, you can prevent significantly more damage than you could heal using Dagger.
Cloak's primary fire is a lock on beam of damage called Darkforce Cloak. It acts similarly to Scarlet Witch's primary fire, giving you a steady stream of damage that tracks nearby enemies. It requires you to be very close to use, so it's damage capabilities are limited to close encounters. It works best to defend yourself against opponents attacking the back line and targeting healers like yourself.
Cloak and Dagger team up for a shared ultimate ability, which is the same regardless of which character of the duo is active when you use it. The ultimate combines the healing and damage factors by letting you dash forward 3 times, covering the ground in a aura field in your wake. This field will damage enemies who stand on it, but also heal teammates who stand on it. You can use this to create a zone that your enemies have to retreat from, but your team can push onto. When you activate the ability, your first dash begins immediately and goes directly forward. The next 2 start after you aim your trajectory and fire off your next pass. This let's you strategically place 3 rows of the aura field.
Gameplay Tips and Tricks
Cloak and Dagger may share the same key / button bindings for their abilities, but they have their own cooldown timers. This means you can use Dagger's healing veil, and immediately swap to Cloak and use his Terror Cape (veil) without needing to wait on Dagger's cooldown. Swapping characters also reloads each character's primary attack for you!
Cloak's Terror Cape can really help your team secure kills. You can quickly swap to Cloak, throw out a wall, and return to Dagger. This will blind impacted opponents and essentially give your team a damage boost.
Dagger's healing bubble does the most healing per second, but it's radius is pretty small. This makes it difficult to reliably keep your teammates inside it when they need healing. You may often times find it advantageous to hold onto that ability for yourself, since it's the only way you can heal yourself. Of course don't hoard it if your team would die without it.
Try not to overuse Cloak. It may feel tempting to drain an opponent's hp, but your team loses a healer while you do it. Focus on using Cloak for defending yourself and the back line. If there is a hard to hit character like Spider-Man or Iron Fist attacking your team, it may be more effective for Cloak to kill them than for Dagger to heal your teammate trying to fight them off.
Practice with Cloak's shroud and master it. The timing can be difficult to learn, but it's the reason the character is a top tier pick. It has a 12 second cooldown, so you don't have to save it for niche situations, but don't spam it and miss a key opportunity to protect you or your team. You can also use it to simply escape a tough combat situation. Since you completely vanish and can fly, you can completely throw yourself out of a tight spot and regroup with your team.
Similarly, Cloak's shroud can be used to give your team a quick advantage in basic combat. It of course works great for blocking ultimate abilities, but it also protects against basic combat damage too. Simply activate it over your team in combat and allow them to deal lots of damage without being shot back at. This brief moment of invincibility can make the difference in winning a fight.
When using your ultimate, you can stack the dashes onto each other. Any surface with multiple layers will also have compounding healing or damage. The ultimate is significantly better for healing and putting pressure on opponents, but don't try and go for kills with it. The dps is too low to consistently get kills.
Dagger's primary attack doesn't do a lot of damage, so focus more on healing. There are other character picks if you want to be more offensive at a range, but Dagger is more of a primary healer at ranged distance. Cloak is great for close damage output as a healer character though.
Her quick shots of healing are great for keeping a teammates alive, but not great for bumping their health back to full in the middle of combat. So don't wait until after teammate is at critical hp to start healing them. If you need an emergency heal, try using her healing wall first to boost the hp they receive, then use your daggers.
Are Cloak and Dagger For You?
Cloak and Dagger are a healer/DPS hybrid. You don't excel at healing compared to other strategists, but you have more flexibility in combat situations. You have to manage damage output with healing your team and mix your abilities to make the most impact. The character is difficult to use, but has a high potential once you learn how to properly use them.
If you like flexibility and adapting to the battle as things unfold, Cloak and Dagger might be for you. You do need good aim since your healing is tied to your weapon. Cloak's damage does lock on to enemies, but you have to be a good healer to make good use of Cloak. If you see an ultimate about to attack your team, you can shroud them and prevent the damage altogether.
If you want to focus purely on healing and less on fighting, Cloak and Dagger may not be for you. They have lower healing capabilities than other strategists for the tradeoff of Cloak's damage. Cloak also requires you to manage debuffs with buffs, including shielding your team from damage with a well timed ability. If you want a healing-centered character, check out our Jeff guide!