Marvel Rivals Cyclops Leak: Abilities, Role & Gameplay Prediction

Your guide to Cyclops in Marvel Rivals.

Cyclops is one of the heroes that comic fans are eagerly anticipating in Marvel Rivals. Various leaks suggest and confirm that he will indeed be added in a future update, bringing excitement to fans. In this piece, I will predict how he will fit into the game based on the leaks and lore.

Cyclops Abilities Leak

Lasers! As one of the most iconic heroes in Marvel, Cyclops will obviously use his optic blasts as the core of his kit in Marvel Rivals. While there is no official confirmation of his abilities yet, fans on Reddit have speculated about his potential skill set. I personally agree with the speculation.

Here are the predicted abilities that Cyclops may bring to Marvel Rivals:

  • Snapshot Blast (Primary Fire) – A quick-focus beam of optic energy that deals high damage but requires precise aim.
  • Optic Stream (Alt Fire) – A continuous beam of optic energy, dealing constant damage while allowing Cyclops to move.
  • Wide-Angle Blast (Ability 1) – Covers a wide area with an optic blast, dealing damage and knockback.
  • Ricochet Blast (Ability 2) – Optic blast bounces off walls and enemies to deal additional damage.
  • Optic Recoil (Movement Ability) – Allows Cyclops to propel himself away from the direction he’s looking at when using an optic blast, giving him a mobility option.
  • Visor Off (Ultimate) – Cyclops removes his visors to continuously channel a massive optic blast. He will be stationary but able to turn in any direction.

These abilities will be as perfect as they get and as lore-accurate as possible. With this potential kit, he could be a grounded Iron Man, as he is also a hero capable of channeling a deadly laser beam.

Ricochet Blast would be his skill for finishing off low-HP enemies while also creating opportunities to damage others in the laser's bounce area. This skill was also featured in the late-game Marvel Heroes, proving to be highly effective.

What would be really exciting if this leak turns out to be true is his ultimate, Visor Off. This could be devastating for enemies while also providing a theatrical and satisfying moment for teammates.

Cyclops Gameplay Prediction

Based on the leaked information and skill speculation, Cyclops would most likely be a Duelist, which is the best role for a character like him. His gameplay would revolve around pure damage output, relying on heavy and consistent burst damage.

With his laser beam, he seems perfectly suited to focusing on a single target, continuously beaming them down until they are eliminated. Skills like Ricochet Blast would serve as finishing moves while also dealing additional damage to nearby enemies within the AoE.

His basic attacks should be mid-to-long range, as his laser beam can reach significant distances in the movies and comics. This makes sense, given his limited mobility skills—forcing him into close combat would make no sense.

Judging by the leaked kit, Cyclops might be a 1- to 2-star hero. His abilities appear straightforward and do not require much complexity, making him easy to use while still dealing substantial damage.

He might also have team-up abilities with the rumored future additions Jean Grey and Emma Frost. Teaming up with Storm would also make sense, as they are both senior members of the X-Men.


ShodiMadian is a gamer who cherishes Space and Time (among other Infinity Stones). He loves playing shooting games, whether FPS or TPS. Games like Marvel Rivals, Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Counter-Strike really pump up his days. He’s also passionate about pop culture, from Marvel and DC to various movies and TV series.

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