Fantastic Four

Marvel Rivals Fantastic Four Team-Up details.

Sue: Johnny...cough... How many times have I told you? No flames inside the shield! Do you want us to suffocate?
Johnny: Oh, sorry, Sis. Forgot how much oxygen my powers burn. Maybe next time you could design it...snugger? Like a suit?
Reed: Hmm...Actually, Johnny's idea has merit. A wearable energy shield would reduce space constraints and improve efficiency. Consider Vibranium's energy absorption properties...
Ben: Stretch, just say it plain—turn the shield into a vest.
Sue: Oh...I should've thought of that earlier! T'Challa's Vibranium suit is perfect inspiration.
Johnny: Just make it stylish, Sis. We can't go out in mom clothes.
Sue: Stop. Just stop. I'll design it. Reed, check feasibility.
Johnny: No more fires.
Johnny: No problem-o, just make it hot!
Ben: Quit yappin', matchstick. One more word and you're getting snug with the Hudson.


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