Shero of Wakanda Achievement Guide

How to listen to General Okoye's message in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.

Marvel Rivals offers many achievements for players to unlock, and the Shero of Wakanda achievement is one that requires specific map interaction. This achievement is part of the Chronoverse Saga collection and involves finding General Okoye's message in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.

If you're struggling to complete this achievement, this guide will walk you through the exact steps needed.

What Is the Shero of Wakanda Achievement?

Shero of Wakanda Achievement Marvel Rivals

The Shero of Wakanda achievement requires you to listen to General Okoye's message on a specific map in Marvel Rivals. Completing this achievement will reward you with 5 Achievement Points that count toward the Chronoverse Saga collection. These points can eventually unlock collectibles, titles, and Units that you can spend on cosmetics in-game.

How to Listen to General Okoye's Message in Marvel Rivals

Finding General Okoye's message involves some luck with map rotation and spawn points. Here's a detailed walkthrough of what you need to do:

Step 1: Get the Right Map

Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Birnin T'Challa

You need to play matches until you get the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Birnin T’Challa. This is completely random, so you might need to play several matches before you get it. You cannot complete this achievement in a custom match - it must be done in Quick Match or Competitive mode.

Step 2: Warrior Falls Region

Once you're in the Birnin T'Challa map, you need to be in the Warrior Falls region. This area can be the first, second, or third objective point in the match.

Step 3: Okoye's Statue Location

Once you spawn in the room that has a large Black Panther statue in the center, turn around immediately after spawning. Look behind the main statue there, you'll find a large statue wearing General Okoye's armor standing between two tall spears.

Approach Okoye's statue until an interaction prompt appears on your screen. The button to press will vary depending on your platform (usually G), but the game will show you which button to use. Press this button to interact with the statue.

Step 4: Listen to the General Okoye's Message

General Okoye's statue Marvel Rivals

After interacting with the statue, stay nearby and listen to General Okoye's complete message. It's recommended to listen to it multiple times if possible, as achievement tracking can sometimes be bugged.

Step 5: Check Your Achievement Progress

After the match ends, go to your Career Overview, then the Achievements tab, and look in the Chronoverse Saga section to see if you've unlocked the Shero of Wakanda achievement. If it hasn't registered, you may need to try again in another match.

Other Achievements on Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda Maps

Apart from Shero of Wakanda, there are several other achievements you can unlock on the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda Maps. Here is a list:

  • Mind Palace
  • Spreading Darkness
  • Knowledge of Sin
  • Mystical Power
  • Scientific Strength
  • Divine House Divided
  • Wakanda Forever

With this achievement guide, you now have all the information needed to successfully unlock the Shero of Wakanda achievement in Marvel Rivals.


Theos is a gaming enthusiast who loves playing games from all genres, but League of Legends is his first true love!

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