Vanguard Role Guide

Marvel Rivals is finally here, and with it come tons of new players to the hero shooter genre! If you haven't played one before, you may be wondering what the difference is between classes and how to use them. In this guide, we will break down what to do and what to avoid in each class.

Vanguard Heroes

These characters are your big, damage absorbing tanks! Their primary goal is to protect the team from as much damage as possible. Their secondary goal is to make your opponent waste as many of their abilities on you as possible. Failed abilities means your team has less dangers to worry about.

Vanguard may he tanks, but they still have plenty of firepower avaliable. When your abilities are recharging or when the opponent is on the run, swap your focus from defense to offense. Just be ready for when the team is needed for you to swap back to defense!

Focus On Your Teammates

Since your primary goal isn't to deal damage, make sure you are using your damage blocking abilities as much as possible. If you focus too much on your opponents and dealing damage, you could leave your team vulnerable. As the Vanguard, the team will often follow you for protection. You need to be their support and provide an achor point for the team to rally behind.

Be An Annoyance

Certain Vanguard characters have higher mobility, such as Venom. Utilizing this, you can sometimes leave the team and solo rush the enemy team. Your goal isn't to deal tons of damage. Instead, you want to waste their time and abilities shooting the hard to kill character. Ideally, you want to retreat to your team before dying, but you may not always be so fortunate. This is situational, so don't constantly rush your opponents! Look for moments where a bullet sponge could buy your team some time to regroup and push together.

You Don't Have to Be the Hero

While playing the damage dealer can be fun, you need to stick to your role as the Vanguard. Sometimes that means doing the less exciting part of staying still. If you are guarding a capture point from the enemy team, it can feel boring sitting there waiting on them to approach. If you abandon the objective to hunt for enemies to fight, your team has lost their protector. Often times as the Vanguard, you will need to stay put and hold the line. Let the Duelist do their job of keeping pressure on them.

Wrap Up

Keeping these basic tips in mind can help any player be proficient in their role. If you have a specific way you like the play the game, be sure to pick a class that compliments your playstyle. Trying to be a damage dealer as a Vanguard, or be a tank as a Strategist will simply hurt the team more than help them. Stick to your role and fill in missing roles as your team needs them.

If you are a new player to Rivals or the Hero Shooter genre, be sure to check out our best beginner characters guide! It can give you a great starting character to try out each class and practice their roles.


I am a Grand Master Rivals player looking to aid the community with helpful guides!

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