Marvel Rivals has a bunch of different Team-Up Abilities that can improve the strength of a bunch of characters. While there aren't any abilities that actively hurt your team by having, but there are definitely stronger Team-Ups than others. To know which are the best Team-Ups to use, we will break down our take on team up rankings!
There are currently 17 different Team-Ups Abilities in the game. Some of them are passive and remain active as long as both team up characters stay selected. Other Team-Ups give a bonus ability that has an recharge timer like other abilities. There are no Team-Ups that are bad, so a low ranking doesn't mean it can't have beneficial outcomes in matches.
Furthermore, finding good teammates can bring you even more success. You can even connect with and find other Marvel Rivals players at your skill level looking for the same gameplay experience, to enhance the Team-Up character synergies.
A Tier
C Tier
C Tier
For arguably the worst Team-Up in the game, bruce-banner and the-thing pair with Wolverine for Fastball Special. The only way to use this is for both Wolverine and Hulk or The Thing to both engage the ability, which means they both stop fighting. The payoff is simply throwing Wolverine with a lunge attack. It's the most complicated Team-Up with the worst payoff. No new abilities are unlocked and nothing enhanced. It's a Team-Up you will almost always ignore and never try to utilize.
An ability to increase damage output is Hawkeye and Black Widow's Allied Agents. This lets Black Widow have a mini version of Hawkeye's ultimate ability. Shooting the afterimage of opponents let's you finish off evasive opponents and lock in difficult kills. Hawkeye's ultimates is one of the best in the game, so Black Widow getting her own version of it will naturally make for a top tier Team-Up in theory. Ultimately, Black Widow just isn’t a good character, and you never really want to run 2 snipers in the same team comp. Since Hawkeye gets nothing out of it, you are basically running 2 snipers just so Black Widow becomes slightly more playable.
B Tier
For Rival's newest team up, Storming Ignition bring Storm and Human Torch together for some fired up tornados! Unfortunately, Human Torch is a bad character with an okay ultimate. Since their Team-Up is exclusively about their ultimates, you can coordinate 2 ultimates from a variety of characters and get similar results. Groot + Iron Man is a great example. It's just a novelty team-up that isn't actually worth anything in reality.
While Dimensional Shortcut gives divers a really cool ability to rewind time a little, it requires your team comp to play 2 divers to get it. With Namor a huge part of the meta to counter divers, it isn't usually successful to run a divers. A bad comp will lose you games way more than having this Team-Up win you games.
Atlas Bond teams up Iron Fist with Luna Snow. This gives her a new active ability that can be used offensively and as a heal. Iron Fist doesn’t get anything out of this ability, which makes it very one sided. Luna already has plenty of healing options, and nobody is picking Iron Fist specifically for the healing ability to Luna. Extra healing is still good though, so it isn’t C-Tier.
Getting self-revives is a very exciting ability, but similar to the theme of B-Tier, you have to run sub-optimal characters to get it with Guardian Revival. Adam Warlock isn't a very strong healer, and Star-Lord isn't a strong DPS. The further issue of this Team-Up is enemies can see your ghost, so they will often follow you to finish you off if you do revive. It does have its helpful situations now and then, so it isn't C-Tier. It just isn't a particularly strong Team-Up.
A Tier
This tier will have the the bulk of the Team-Ups in the game. Most of them offer a new ability that gives a consistent positive ability, making it worth using frequently.
It's extremely common to see a Rocket Raccoon or Groot in the meta. This Planet X Pals Team-Up is worth a bit more than just riding on Groot's shoulder. Rocket and Jeff the Land Shark will get damage resistance while mounted, which helps them survive. Rocket can also heal any direction and he and Groot will always get healed. To boost their Team-Up strength, it gives Groot an extra 150 HP, which bring him to a massive 850 base health. Jeff isn't meta relevant enough to take advantage of this Team-Up, and his dive ability is more useful to him anyways.
ESU Alumnus matches Spider-Man and Squirrel Girl for a Team-Up. It gives her a new active ability that lets her throw a new projectile to trap enemies. Another free ability that gives you more consistent flexibility is a strong ability to have.
Voltaic Union assembles Thor, Storm, and Captain America. Their Team-Up just improve existing abilities, making them all solid ways of making your team comp more dangerous! There isn't much downside to just making existing moves better, and all of these characters are being more relevant lately.
Symbiote Bond is a Team-Up with Venom, Spider-Man, and Peni Parker. Its best usage is with Spider-Man since he gets close to fight, but you need them close to deal damage. Competitive Spider-Man players use this as a finisher for combos to give him just a little extra damage output you need to secure kills. Peni Parker isn’t a brawler, but she doesn't benefit from close quarters combat. This new ability can get opponent’s off of you so that you can push them towards your mines or into a more favorable range.
As previously stated, free revives are always a good thing, and Ragnarok Rebirth is no exception. Allowing Loki or Thor to get a free revive if Hela kills an opponent can generate massive value for your team. It does have a long recharge time in between, but hopefully this revive helps you keep your push or defense alive. Hela isn't quite as meta as she was last season, so this Team-Up is purely dependant on someone playing against the current meta picks.
Metallic Chaos lets Scarlet Witch gives Magneto a special sword to swing at enemies. It's a very simple attack, but a strong one that elevates Magneto to a much higher performance level.
For what was once the best Team-Up in the game, Gamma Charge is now nerfed to the A-Tier. The Team-Up now gives Hulk less bonus health, and Iron Man only gets 10 more DPS on his Unibeam (it used to be 40 more). Doctor Strange does still get a great boost to his ability though, so it's still a good Team-Up. It just isn't the powerhouse it once was.
S Tier
These Team-Ups give extraordinary abilities with very high impact capabilities. They all stand out as notably stronger than A-Tier abilities, and are definitely worth trying to utilize every match that you can.
Chilling Charisma is really good for Namor specifically. If gives him an extra Octopus he can throw, giving him a 3rd turret to track opponents. Considering how prevalent he is right now, making him even better is incredibly strong. It's so strong in fact that players often ban Luna Snow specifically to stop the Team-Up (and remove a good healer while you're at it).
For a more damage-focused team up, The Punisher and Winter Soldier Team-Up with Rocket Raccoon in Ammo Overload. Giving your high damage Duelists the ability to never reload while shooting faster is a crazy recipe for domination. The Punisher already can mow down enemies by himself. That boost makes him and Winter Soldier incredibly deadly and difficult to fight against.
Now that the entire Fantastic Four are in the game, we can see the full capabilities of this Team-Up. Needless to say, it is now one of the best Team-Ups in the game. Human Torch, Mister Fantastic, and The Thing will all get a new ability that gives them bonus health and heals them, which is a game changer for these characters. Not only that, but Invisible Woman gets a boost to her healing output, making her a more effective healer! There simply are zero downsides to this and it only boosts your chances of winning.
Last but not least is Lunar Force, utilizing Moon Knight with Cloak & Dagger. This Team-Up lets Moon Knight activate an invisibility bubble he can spawn at will. The ability can seriously mess with your opponents. Are you in the bubble and attacking? Is the bubble down a distraction? The mystery makes Moon Knight very easy to vanish with and catch your opponent off guard. Since they can't see you, targeting you becomes impossible, so blindly shooting into the dome won't even put Moon Knight in much danger. The ability is also a perfect way to hide yourself in combat as you summon your ultimate to the perfect spot. After the latest patch, it now also heals Moon Knight while inside the bubble, making it even stronger!
Wrap Up
That covers all of the current rankings for every Team-Up. It isn't currently clear if balance updates will buff or nerf Team-Ups. If there are changes, or new Team-Ups are released, we will update this list to a more up to date one.