Homo Superior Achievement Guide

How to assist Mutant allies as Magneto in Marvel Rivals and get the Homo Superior Achievement.

Completing achievements in Marvel Rivals is one way to earn free Units. If you're hunting for achievements, you might get stuck on one called "Homo Superior." This achievement requires you to assist Mutant allies as Magneto. If you're having trouble completing it, don't worry—this guide will help you achieve it in no time.

How to Assist Mutant Allies as Magneto

In the Heroic Journey achievements of Marvel Rivals, you'll find "Homo Superior" listed as a platinum achievement. Its description states: "As Magneto, assist Mutant allies 10 times."

This can be confusing since Magneto is a Vanguard, not a Strategist.

However, there is a specific trick you need to use to complete this achievement. The obvious method is to utilize your Metal Bulwark (E) ability to shield your Mutant allies. But here’s the tricky part—you may have already tried this and ended up with KO counts instead of assists.

To ensure you get assists by shielding your teammates, follow these key steps:

Do Not Attack!

This is the trick you might have missed, and it's actually causing you to fail the task. After shielding your Mutant allies, do not attack the enemies, especially the ones your shielded friend is targeting.

Why? Because in Marvel Rivals, if you deal enough damage to an enemy and your friend finishes them off, you receive a KO count instead of an assist. Assisting in Marvel Rivals revolves around healing, shielding, and saving your teammates.

With that in mind, you should avoid attacking anyone and let your shielded Mutant ally secure the kills. Also, note that your shielded ally doesn’t necessarily need to kill the enemy while the shield bubble is active. Even if they secure the kill after the bubble is gone, you will still receive the assist.

The best Mutant allies to grant your Metal Bulwark to are Magik, Storm, Psylocke, and Wolverine. They are deadly killers in the game with high damage output. Giving them your bubble shield is the best way to complete the Homo Superior achievement.

Shield Them When They Are About to Die

Another way to earn assists as Magneto is by shielding your allies when they are about to die. If you see a Mutant ally—let’s say Magik—asking for heals and retreating with extremely low HP, you must immediately grant her your Metal Bulwark.

If you time the shield correctly and it prevents enemy attacks from finishing her off, you will receive an assist. However, this method is situational, and the first method is much easier to execute.

Who Are the Mutants in Marvel Rivals?

A Mutant is a human who possesses a genetic trait called the X-gene, meaning only a select few characters in Marvel Rivals qualify as Mutants. To complete this achievement, you must know which heroes count as Mutants and focus on assisting them.

In Marvel Rivals, the following heroes are classified as Mutants:

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Many players have debated whether Scarlet Witch is a Mutant. Lore-wise, she was originally classified as a Mutant, but later, she was rediscovered as a witch with Chaos Magic—despite being the daughter of Magneto.

There are leaks suggesting the possible inclusion of more Mutants in the future, such as Emma Frost, Jean Grey, and Cyclops. If you haven’t completed the achievement by then, you can try shielding them to finish it!

By following this guide, you'll start earning assists as Magneto and complete the Homo Superior achievement without even realizing it!


ShodiMadian is a gamer who cherishes Space and Time (among other Infinity Stones). He loves playing shooting games, whether FPS or TPS. Games like Marvel Rivals, Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Counter-Strike really pump up his days. He’s also passionate about pop culture, from Marvel and DC to various movies and TV series.

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