Peni Parker Guide

Marvel Rivals Peni Parker how to play guide.

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Peni Parker is a much different style of Vanguard than her counterparts. Instead of being a tank by pure attrition, she utilizes traps to protect routes and key points. If used properly, her mines can act like another player and safeguard places you can't afford to watch constantly. In this guide, we will start with an overview of her abilities for new players. If you already know the basics of the character, skip down to the next section where we will highlight tips and tricks you can use in game to improve your effectiveness. Finally, we will give you guidance if Peni Parker is the right hero for you.

My Credentials

I am a Grand Master player who primarily plays Invisible Woman as a main. I also main Peni Parker for a Vanguard and Punisher for a Duelist. I also study top level streamers, tournaments, and data published by first and third party sources to help deliver the most accurate information I can.

Basic Ability Guide (For Beginners)

You can find a bulleted list of the character's abilities in game under their character tab. This portion of the guide will cover the same info, as well as some extra information and tips that the game doesn't clearly outline. If you already have a basic grasp of the character, skip to the next section for more advanced tips.

Her primary weapon has unlimited ammo with no cooldown. This means you can put immense pressure on opponents by constantly putting projectiles out. It does have a fast damage drop off, so it's best used in close to mid range.

The Arachno-Mine is the trapping portion of the character. You get them through individually placing them, or by your Bionic Spider-Nest dropping them around its base. The individual mines start with 4 charges, but you can actually place more than the 4 you start with. Once at least 1 cooldown refills, you can deploy a 5th mine and beyond for each completed cooldown. Each mine lasts 60 seconds from the time you place them, ans you can have a maximum of 15 mines you can place at a time. The Spider-Nest will continuously put mines down until the nest is destroyed, or when it reaches 10 active mines placed. You can hide these mines with your webs, giving your opponent's a harder time removing or noticing them.

Speaking of webs, Peni Parker's webs have a lot more utility than her description implies. She has 3 ways of spawning webs: Cyber-Bond, Cyber Web-Snare, and the Spider-Nest. These webs do more than just hide your mines. By standing in the webs, Peni will heal for about 40hp per second! If you are at full health, she can gain armor that stacks to a maximum of 150hp above her base hp. If you stack different webs together, you won't heal faster, but you will generate armor faster. The healing and armor generation does not apply to any other player but Peni. If you step off the webs, hp gaining will stop, and any armor you have will start to decrease until it's gone or you return to a web.

The Spider-Nest will auto deploy webs around the base, alongside the mines to automatically hide their location. The nest is destructable by your opponent, so maintaining a balance of hiding it and placing it in a beneficial location is key. It spawns webs and mines within a radius of the nest, so it won't sporadically drop them everywhere.

Cyber-Bond is a great way to "web swing" for a fast traversal method. This is perfect for getting to the objective quickly to set up mines before your opponent's arrive. It also works well to get you back to the action faster after a death. While bonded to a web, your tether will keep you about 10 meters away before it starts to pull you back. This can help you maintain your footing on an objective, or snap back to point if needed quickly. The tether does not count as touching the web, so you won't gain hp until you return to the web itself.

Cyber-Web Snare is an incredible disruption tool with a very fast cooldown. This web fires like a projectile, but has unlimited range. Once it lands, it either spawns a web, or ensnares the opponent it touches. The snare allows you to disrupt abilities, stop movement, and prevent damage output briefly for the trapped character. If you need a quick hp generator, you can also fire it on the ground and stand on it for some hp.

Peni also has a wall climbing passive ability. You can climb any wall by jumping onto the surface and holding the jump button. While may seem unhelpful, it can actually help you to quickly access different locations, or simply hide from your opponents below!

Her ultimate ability "Spider-Sweeper" can be a bit confusing at first. When activated, you get a boost of armor and begin sprinting around. You then have 2 actions you can perform: dropping mines and attacking with "Spider Sweep". The mines allow you to drop up to 7 mines behind you as you sprint around. The attack deals damage in front of Peni and launches her target airborne. Additionally, Peni will spawn webs and drop mines passively while the ultimate is active.

Gameplay Tips and Tricks

If you place the Spider-Nest on a ledge, it will drop mines down below it. This can be handy for putting mines over places like hallways or doors without exposing the nest as easily.

When using Peni Parker's ultimate, try running strait to the back line with the lower hp characters. Bombarding them with mines and your attack can net you quick kills, or simply disrupt their ability to properly support their team.

When a match starts for a defending escort mission, use your cyber-bond to web swing to the objective as quickly as possible. You should be able to activate the ability several times, getting you there often 10 seconds faster than your team. This can give you time to lay out mines, the Spider-Nest, and webs for you to heal with. You can often litter the opponent's spawn door with mines, which can get a surprise kill or two if low hp characters run out first.

If your Spider-Nest is under fire, or you simply don't like the location it is in, you can activate the ability again. This self destruction the nest, but it gives you a near-instant cooldown so you can place it again!

Arachno-mines do 100 damage each. If you are trapping a choke point like a door or ally, be sure to place 3 or 4 in a cluster. This way, the mines can potentially kill instead of simply doing damage.

Try not to be super aggressive while playing Peni. She is the ideal lockout character. On defense, stay near your objective and focus on laying out webs and mines. Your dps isn't high enough for you to be on the front lines. You being on objective makes you a constant threat for any breakthrough or flanking opponents.

You can use Peni for offense as well. To best use her, break her typical rules and push a little ahead. By setting traps, your opponents will have a harder time stating on point like they need to be. This will let your team push forward while you make your opponents question where it's safe to walk!

Your Cyber-Snare has a very quick 3 second cooldown, so use it often! Immobilizing your opponents in combat can reduce incoming damage, and allow you and your team easier opportunities for critical hits with headshots. You can also use the snare to prevent opponents from fleeing a fight so easily, which can help lock in kills for those evasive characters.

You don't have to rely so much on healers when using Peni. Use this to your advantage and place webs around you constantly. By lowering the need to heal you, your strategists can focus on teammates who can't heal themselves and need it more. Furthermore, make sure you are getting your armor up as high as you can, as often as you can.

Pay attention when you are tethered to a web. You may find times when you need to retreat, but your tether can accidentally lock you into a point. You can always cancel a tether by deploying a new one and swinging out.

Is Peni Parker For You?

Peni Parker is a lock down character. You hunker down, set your traps, and maintain control of an area. Your webs let you be self-sustaining. Your mines make your gameplay make a clear impact on the match. She isn't great to use on every round, but she excels in defense.

If you are a player that is less concerned with getting kills and more about securing objectives or routes, Peni Parker might be for you. Her weapon isn't meant to kill quickly, but its great for keeping pressure on your opponents. If you like to play more reserved and do your own thing, Peni is a great solo pick that doesn't need to worry about what your team is doing to be impactful.

If you like going head strong into battles and going for kills, Peni may not be for you. While it may be tempting to use mines to grab quick kills, she requires a good amount of planning and patients to be really effective. You can't push far in or attack the opponent's back line either. If you prefer a more traditional tank that supports the Vanguard role by blocking damage, check out our Doctor Strange guide!


I am a Celestial Rivals player looking to aid the community with helpful guides!

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