Marvel Rivals has acknowledged a bug with Peni Parker's Arachno-Mine ability that allows it to be destroyed in Cyber-Webs, when it should be concealed and invulnerable. The ability reads:
Deploy Arachno-Mines that can be concealed within the confines of a Cyber-Web.
While we do not yet know when it will be fixed, players should be aware of the bug and play around it as such. Check out the full announcement below:
Hey Rivals!
We’ve been following the discussions in the community about Peni Parker, specifically regarding her Arachno-Mines. It seems that even when entering her Cyber-Web, the mines can still be attacked and destroyed during their burrowing and explosive phases, which is definitely impacting her gameplay experience. We recognize this as a bug.
The correct behavior should be that once the Arachno-Mines are within her Cyber-Web, they remain invulnerable and cannot be destroyed. Outside her Cyber-Web, they should be destructible as normal.
We’ve pinpointed the issue and are actively working on a fix. As soon as we have an update, we'll make sure to keep you all in the loop!
Thanks for your understanding and support!