Duelist Role Guide

How to best use the Duelist role in Marvel Rivals.

Marvel Rivals is finally here, and with it come tons of new players to the hero shooter genre! If you haven't played one before, you may be wondering what the difference is between classes and how to use them. In this guide, we will break down what to do and what to avoid in each class.

Duelist Heroes

Marvel Rivals Psylocke
Marvel Rivals Squirrel Girl

The Duelist class is what most new players gravitate towards. They are your damage dealers, also referred to as DPS characters. Their primary objective is being aggressive and going all in on dealing the most damage possible at all times. New players gravitate to Duelists since it's the easiest to pick up: find enemies, shoot them, repeat. There are a few tips though to elevate your success in matches!

Stick With Your Team

This is a hero shooter, so you have objectives to complete besides simply defeating your opponent in combat. You often need to secure a location or transport a target. This is no easy feat, so it requires teamwork from all classes. The Duelist is responsible for keeping pressure on the opponent's. Link up with a Vanguard and let them take damage for you, while you dish out your own damage to the opponent. This can help the team lock down a location.

Flank Your Opponent

There are times where your opponent may have their own lock down that prevents your team from moving in. Going head first won't always succeed, so the Duelist will sometimes need to sneak around the opponent to surprise attack them. This often will lead to your death, but it can give your team an opportunity to break through a tough area. The other 2 classes can't flank the enemy team very efficiently, so Duelists should be ready to adapt.

You can utilize flying characters to flank the easiest. Iron Man, for example, can sneak above the fight and fly behind enemy lines. You can use your abilities to knock out as many opponents as you can, then fly out once you have their attention. Your distraction can give your other 5 team members a chance to rush in.

Don't Solo Fight The Enemy Team

This is a good rule for any class, but especially for Duelist. When you try to pick off opponents, avoid engaging anyone if you are alone and they have help. While it's fun to attempt a squad wipe, you will have a difficult time making an actual impact by yourself versus a team. The only exception to this rule is if you are trying to use your ultimate ability and target as many opponents as you can.

Know When Not To Engage

There will be many firefights that involve an opponent retreating from battle. Your instinct may be to chase them down to finish them off, but this could backfire. If they are retreating towards their respawn point or to their Strategists, you may quickly find yourself surrounded by the enemy team. You can still chase your opponent down if they flee to somewhere less risky, but pay attention to their intended destination. It may be worth letting them get away so you don't die needlessly.

Wrap Up

Keeping these basic tips in mind can help any player be proficient in their role. If you have a specific way you like the play the game, be sure to pick a class that compliments your playstyle. Trying to be a damage dealer as a Vanguard, or be a tank as a Strategist will simply hurt the team more than help them. Stick to your role and fill in missing roles as your team needs them.

If you are a new player to Rivals or the Hero Shooter genre, be sure to check out our best beginner characters guide! It can give you a great starting character to try out each class and practice their roles.


I am a Grand Master Rivals player looking to aid the community with helpful guides!

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